Thailand has a lot of very large and plush theatres. We decided we definitely had to go to one when we learned that before every movie, a tribute to the King is played on the screen, and all patrons in the theatre are required to stand to show their respect.
Thailand LOVES their King. Everywhere you go, there are pictures of the King - HUGE ones on the roads, on billboards, in people's homes, in taxi cars - you name it! The tribute before the movie was set to music and lasted for a good few minutes. At the end of the tribute the screen read, "We Love Our King, Long Live the King."
Anyway, as we were buying our tickets, we noticed this advertisement for a Thai film that is just in theatres. It is a love story about a man with three arms. We had our friends Ben and Wyatt (and Denise's arm, recreate the cardboard cut out.) We think it will be a grammy winner, for sure.
three armed blockbuster lovers?! leave it to those crazy thais!
denise--it looks like you are having so much fun! let me know if the three armed man movie is any good, you know how i love foreign films :)
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